الأحد، 15 مايو 2016

How sensitive teeth soothe the pain?

They are suffering from severe tooth pain when eating hot or cold? Whether it's slightly alarmed or allergic affect the quality of your lives, Fbalamkan put an end to this suffering. Here's ways to get rid of tooth sensitivity
What causes sensitive teeth?
Tooth sensitivity occurs when the erosion of tooth enamel (enamel) in the absence of any kind of protection for the dentin (dentin - Enamel). When Receding gums, tissues disappear and outs neck of age (which is the closest part of the gums near the roots of the tooth) is not covered by enamel. Increases the sensitivity of the teeth worse during the speech, when the mouth is open and enters the cold to the inside or when you drink and eat cold food or sweet air.

Unit toothache considered individually very question of which that same sense of pain may vary from one person to another, even when the situation is already advanced and require treatment. It is worth mentioning here that tooth sensitivity is a condition that affects adults usually do not affect children. When children suffer from tooth sensitivity, it is often due to tooth decay and not because of corrosion.

What are the most well-known of the injury sensitive teeth causes?
The use of inappropriate treatment
Tqomo not choose teeth whitening treatment before consulting a dentist. These treatments are made up of a strong oxidizing materials. This bleached material penetrates the enamel layer in the teeth and cause tooth sensitivity, especially in the early stages of treatment, which usually go away once you stop using the material bleached.

If sensitivity persists, you can use a special toothpaste for allergy treatment available in the market which is based on potassium nitrate. A substance enters the transport channels that transmit nervous feeling in ivory and filled by to provide protection and comfort for sensitive teeth.

Excessive use of mouthwash
Some types of mouthwash contain different acids that may aggravate tooth sensitivity, especially if you have a penchant for sensitivity before. Solution: Ask your dentist about the natural fluoride mouthwash. In all cases, avoid excessive use of mouthwash.

Acidic foods harmful
Excessive intake of certain foods such as tomatoes (tomatoes), citrus fruits and other foods high acidity juice may lead to the erosion of enamel that protects your teeth layer. And then it becomes ivory teeth exposed and more vulnerable to external factors affecting such as pH, heat or cold. If it was difficult for you to avoid these foods, we recommend eating foods soften the pH like a piece of cheese or a glass of milk after eating these foods.

Receding gums
Tooth roots contain thousands of channels that passes through small nerve filaments that link to the central nervous system of the teeth. These radicals are naturally protected because they are deeply embedded in strong gums. If you are suffering from a disease of the mouth or teeth, dip or receding gums, leading to reveal the roots of the teeth and exposing the channels and nerves inside the direct influence of external factors and the emergence of allergies and pain in the teeth might occur. In this situation it is advised to visit the dentist, where he was in extreme cases, can the neck of tooth restoration and sometimes can even use a disciplined liberate fluoride materials.

Brush your teeth too vigorously
Avoid too intense cleaning of the teeth (or use a toothbrush with fiber draconian) that can lead to a decline in the gums due to excessive pressure faced by him, in addition to causing the appearance of holes in them, these holes that make up the channels of microscopic may enable food hot, cold or sweet stimulate the nervous system to the emergence of Dakm- sensitivity and pain.

Excessive dental treatment
It may seem illogical, but excessive dental treatment whether it be by routine like brushing your teeth treatments, or other treatments, such as restoration Ouallajat root canals - that could lead to a temporary increase in allergies. To avoid that they spoke with the dentist before treatment about the overall situation of your teeth Arise, to inform him of all the treatments that you made before. Where can a dentist, a time of need, relieve tooth sensitivity by the use of substances and drugs that are painted on the sensitive place (such as a gel fluoride). You can also prescribe you use a dedicated toothpaste to reduce sensitivity and helps to build a more healthy teeth.

Cracks and cracked teeth
Avoid chewing ice, eating hard candy - Vtnolha can lead to cracking Alosinan.andma cracking occurs in older, Valoasab in the depths of age are very sensitive during the chewing process due to friction cutting tooth cracked each other. Add to that the fissures and cracks quickly filled with bacteria that cause inflammation, which means more pain for you.

Gnashing of teeth lead to enamel erosion
Enamel is the most powerful substance in the body (stronger than the bone), however, the power can not protect people from the friction resulting from the squeaking (dental instrument vigorously and bring out the voices of powerful ones). With the passage of time, this strong friction erodes the enamel and make teeth more sensitive nerves. To combat this harmful habit, you have to go to consult a professional to change this behavior, which is often linked to other conditions, such as life stress, anxiety and others. In addition, sometimes advised to use condoms and dental or make changes in diet and lifestyle.

Tooth decay reveals the roots
Tooth Decay reveals the roots and displays the effects of a series of factors causing pain, such as cold, heat, sweets and even the air (especially cold). To prevent tooth decay maintained their oral hygiene and the use of the brush twice a day, to choose the most appropriate tooth paste, which is recommended by dentists. We are also advised to eat properly and regularly visit the dentist.

Well cared Bosinankm
Finally, if Araodkm concern about the health of your teeth and especially sensitive teeth injury that can result from corrosion, they spoke with a dentist to find out what makes your teeth sensitive and particularly as it has become today the possibility of guiding you to prevent that. To strengthen your teeth you can do some simple changes in addition to the attendance routine dental treatment, these changes include the replacement of toothbrushes somehow softer, change toothpaste and replace it with a specialized toothpaste to protect against erosion and tooth sensitivity. And change the lye and replace it with mouthwash that contains fluoride.

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