الخميس، 26 مايو 2016

                      ? !    Do you have to take off of wisdom teeth , and when

The wisdom tooth of the most distinctive teeth as it emerges at a later age and being a nuisance to many people because it causes problems.

Having completed all the teeth that a total of 28 older appearance, when they reach the age of twelve, beginning of wisdom teeth dawning between eighteen and twenty-fifth, attached to a lot of trouble, and created four of them in all corners of the mouth.

In some cases only one sprocket of the mind, or two or three or perhaps does not appear shows no wisdom at all.

According to Professor Dietmar Oostreic, vice president of the German Association for dentists to be the emergence of molars in advanced age is very rare. " Nevertheless, the German doctor does not deny that there are cases among elderly persons Mnadma teeth appeared suddenly have wisdom teeth.

The doctors in the past advised adults uprooted wisdom teeth in case emerged after the age of 25 for being a nuisance and problems for many people, as cause other teeth crowding and driven in addition to periodontal infections microbial escort to the emergence of wisdom teeth.

But it changed today as director of the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the University of Munich, Prof. Michael Aarnfeild explained that "the dislocation of wisdom teeth is not a mistake, but we have become more wary of us day ever", as it became dislocated wisdom teeth subject to many controls what punctuated dressing operations surgical teeth mind the risk, such as chronic wound, for example, after the procedure or damage to the nerve fibers.

Said Professor Aarnfeild The statistics indicate that "each sprocket out of five or six teeth are not able to emerge and thus forming problems in the future," and stressed that it is necessary to go back to the dentist, who can evaluate the conduct dislocation of wisdom teeth operation based on X-rays of the jaws Photo and determine the extent necessary and alert a person to potential complications of surgery.

Dentists disagreed on the need to take off wisdom teeth, with some in favor of deposed early and so easy to remove them before the completion of their formation and as a kind of protection against any possible complications and prevent crowding of teeth. But others believe that deposed must be linked because of calls for it, such as tooth decay or gum surrounding the infections. What supports this is what the dentist Idris and Rtini that "there are different criteria to determine the need for embarking on the removal of wisdom teeth."

In the case had wisdom teeth with adequate space and Pat does not disturb the other teeth, you should not rush to remove wisdom teeth, especially since these internecine can lead the lost and damaged teeth tasks, and from this standpoint, the presence has more of the benefits of removing benefits.

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